When I look at America right now, specifically at the White House, I can’t help but think of my human telling me about that former boss. On the surface, both she and the President seem utterly incompetent. Idiots. But if you really think about it, that isn’t entirely accurate. See, like her, Donald Trump knows how to get humans “in the door,” so to speak, and supporting him. He’s less of an idiot and more of a ... I think the human term is “idiot savant.” Utterly incompetent in most things in life, but there’s that one thing that he’s really, really, good at, and he’s figured out how to exploit it to an insane degree.
I mean, think about it. The Republicans wanted to bring the guy in back in 2011, but Trump said no. Why? Because he knew he couldn’t win. You humans are competitive animals by nature. You need to win. Trump knew he was never gonna beat Obama (and really, who didn’t know that?) but he started planting the seeds for his victory. Do you really want me to look back on 2011/2012 and actually believe that Trump turning down the Republican nomination and starting the Birther movement in the same year was a coincidence? That guy was planting the seeds to make sure he could win. Then came 2016. The Democrats were all set to do the same thing they did with Obama. 2008 to 2016 they put the first black man in the White House. Then, come 2016 it was Hillary Clinton. They were aiming to put the first woman in as President. Another first. The Republicans had nothing but more stuffy, boring, old white guys. Who couldn’t win.
So, to quote Alfred in The Dark Knight, “In their desperation, they turned to a man they didn’t fully understand.” Why? Simple. Humans don't like to lose. So the Republican party saw that American humans were frustrated, and they knew Trump was their "something different" because he ain't a politician, and they went to work. Whether it was focusing on the Electoral College (why is that still a thing?!), latching onto Clinton's emails and beating that drum like a red headed stepchild, or making the Mouldy Tangerine seem as "he's just like us" as possible, it didn't matter. They won. The how was never important. After that, it was a solid four years of ... actually, I found a link on twitter to a video that will cover everything the Coward in Chief did way better than I could! So just click the link, then pop right back:
Still with me? Cool. Now, if you're good with even one thing Hasan listed there, if you think even one of those things is ok, stop. Stop reading this article, stop coming to my website, and stay as far away from me as you possibly can. For four years, the Coward in Chief ran roughshod over the constitution. Why? How did that happen? Aren't there supposed to be checks and balances and things that would keep him from doing exactly what he spent his first term doing? Yup. But the humans in charge wouldn't come together and use them. Why? Because of another common human trait. You people really don't like to admit it when you're wrong.
You guys remember those old Tonight Show segments where Jay Leno would go walking around at some beach with a camera? Or when Rick Mercer was doing all those Talking To Americans segments on This Hour Has 22 Minutes, and later on his Rick Mercer Report? I mean, sure those segments were edited, and they obviously didn't use all of them, but that material had to come from somewhere! That "somewhere" was human arrogance. If a human being is asked a question they don't immediately know the answer to, they will say anything that they think might at least be close. Why? Because to way too many of you, it's better to fuck up and try and laugh it off than to say "I was wrong." For crying out loud, this planet isn't made up entirely of Arthur Fonzerellis!
Just imagine it though. Imagine the Republican Party had had the balls to stand up as one and say "We gave a lunatic the nuclear codes. We have to fix this!" Granted, yes it would likely mean the Presidency would go to Mike Pence, and that guy's also an asshole, but he's at least a sane asshole which is .. better? Somehow?
Obviously, none of that happened. The GOP towed that good old party line and just backed their President no matter how Crazy Old Guy he got. Why? Well, a lot of it is, once again, perception. If you think a human being not being able to say they were wrong is a problem, just imagine when it's a politician! If a politician comes out and says they were wrong about something, do you know what happens next? That admission will come back around the next election and will proceed to haunt them until they're no longer publicly employed.
"But Adi," you're saying, "that's not true, plenty of people tried to step up and stop him!" Sure they did. They were Democrats. Democrats who had so little power because the American people got conned so badly that they made Loki's famous "You were made to be ruled" line way more accurate and relevant than it had any right to be. The American people who went "Oh he's not a politician! Let's give him everything he wants and make sure he has all the power! He'll save us all from the evils he told us we're facing!" Yeah, they got him impeached ... and that did what to stop Trump exactly?
So sure, the Democrats tried to stop Trump. Special Investigators tried to stop Trump. The FBI tried to stop him. None of it worked. Why? Because the the Chump Stain in Chief was so entrenched into that Oval Office that the only way to really do anything would've been to get his own party to turn on him. And that was never ever going to happen. Why? Because this is what any Republican who tried to stand up against Trump would have to deal with:
Just imagine having to walk into your boss' office to discuss an issue and having to deal with that guy. Yes, there's a certain irony in using an old DeNiro clip to explain The Wannabe Dictator, but the simple fact is that the Republican Party pretty much became the old school Mafia. And in the Mafia, you don't cross the boss. Don't believe me? Remember Senator Ted Cruz? The guy who was arguing constantly with El Nacho in Cheese on twitter during the Primaries (because obviously your government officials haven't got anything better to do), but then, as soon as the election was over, Cruz immediately became the Facist Elect’s bitch? See my point now?
There's also one really important detail with the Coward in Chief that I think humans have really been overlooking for the guy's entire first (and the way the ballot count is going as I write this, hopefully last) term in office, is this. For four years, His Overly Tan-ness went on social media and told the American people every single evil, depraved and or crooked thing he was going to do, and many of you humans cheered him for it. Humans often say "the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist." Apparently the greatest trick the President of the United States ever pulled .. was "fake news."
Think about it. The Crazy Clementine could enact all the travel bans, make all the racist statements, repeal all the rights, play all the golf, and funnel all the money into his own pockets he wanted, and if anyone tried to call him out on it? "Oh that's not true. That's fake news. You're just part of the lame stream media that's just out to get me because I won the election. Sad." And you read that in his voice to.
Let’s jump ahead bit since after I started writing this Joe Biden finally won the damn election and the American people are finally starting to come back to the real world. It ain’t over yet though, and that’s what you humans gotta remember. The Coward in Chief might’ve lost the election, but he ain’t gonna give up office if he can at all help himself. He’s still got a month in power. He’s still tying up your courts with fraud charges that any idiot can figure out ain’t legit (I mean, there best witness was a blonde who’s either nuts, got hammered before she took the stand, or both). He even thinks declaring martial law is still an option.
So what’s my point here? What’s that one last thing you gotta know about this idiot? Don’t let him have the spotlight. Don’t be silent. Did you notice how, through this entire article, I’ve used his full name maybe once? Shout him down. Drown him out. There was a line in one of my Human’s favorite TV shows, “Vengeance Unlimited” that just seems so perfect when I think of the Mouldy Tangerine ... “You are rich, and you are white, so you will not do time. That’s why the call the song ‘America the Beautiful’.”
Don’t you think it’s well past time to change the tune?
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